Postcode SP11 7JH: Addresses, House Prices and Nearby Amenities
Explore a complete list of the addresses in postcode SP11 7JH alongside residential housing market data and nearby amenities. This information is intended to help homeowners, property investors, landlords and market researchers better understand the Hurstbourne Tarrant SP11 7JH postcode area.
by property xyz
The data on this page has been curated by the property xyz research team, who have been studying the UK’s residential property market and private rented sector for well over a decade.
List of Addresses in Postcode SP11 7JH
A full list of of addresses in SP11 7JH, including geographical coordinates. Click on an address to get more detailed information.
Sales Data for Homes Sold Near Postcode SP11 7JH
Electric Vehicle Charging Points Close to SP11 7JH
A complete list of charging points and their compatibilities for electric vehicles, that are found near postcode SP11 7JH
Nearby Amenities and Important Sites
Important sites and amenities such as schools, hospitals and transport hubs, that are close to postcode SP11 7JH
Nearby Places of Worship and Religious Buildings
Religious buildings and places of worship that are close by to postcode area SP11 7JH
Nearby Rail and Light Rapid Transport Stations
Railway stations and light transport stations such as metro, tram and underground, that are close by to postcode SP11 7JH
Nearby Airports
Nearby Schools, Universities and Other Educational Institutions
Primary and secondary schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutions near to postcode area SP11 7JH
Nearby Hospitals, Clinics and Other Medical Institutions
Hospitals, clinics, medical care accommodation, hospices and other medical institutions that near the postcode area SP11 7JH