• UK /
  • HD1

The HD1 Postcode: Residential Housing Data, Amenities, Demographics and Local Information.

Learn about the HD1 postcode district in Huddersfield. Residential house prices, housing market data, demographics and local insights. This information is intended to help homeowners, property investors, landlords and market researchers better understand the Huddersfield HD1 postcode area.

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by property xyz

The data on this page has been curated by the property xyz research team, who have been studying the UK’s residential property market and private rented sector for well over a decade.

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Housing Market Data for HD1

Data on the housing market and private rented sector in this area. We look at house prices, rents, rental yield and market activity. Information is updated regularly to show the most recent figures.

Last updated 05/08/2024.

Total Properties for Sale


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Average Sales Per Month


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Average Asking Price


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Average Price per Sq. Ft.


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Average Gross Rental Yield (Long Let)


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Sales Turnover per Month


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Number of Days on the Market For Sale


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Months of For Sale Inventory Available


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Buyer Demand Rating

Buyer's market

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Total Properties for Rent


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Average Weekly Rent (Long Let)


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Total Properties Let Agreed per Month


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Number of Days on the Market To Let


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Rental Property Turnover per Month


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Months of To Let Inventory Available


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Rental Demand Rating

Balanced market

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House Price Growth in Postcode HD1

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House price data are the average prices that houses sold for in the area, in a particular month, in the given year.

Date Average Price Difference
Aug 2019 £106,455
Aug 2020 £120,834
Aug 2021 £119,083
Aug 2022 £118,918
Aug 2023 £127,608
Aug 2024 £124,755
Last Updated: 05/08/2024