• UK /
  • M3 /
  • Apartment 205 Alcock House 99 Chapel Street

APARTMENT 205 ALCOCK HOUSE 99 Chapel Street, Salford: Sales History, EPC Data, Local Amenities and More

The latest data for APARTMENT 205 ALCOCK HOUSE 99 Chapel Street, Salford. Here you will find the latest sold price, the last Energy Performance Certificate, local amenities, the Council Tax band and more. This information is intended to help homeowners, property investors, landlords and market researchers better understand APARTMENT 205 ALCOCK HOUSE 99 Chapel Street and other addresses in the postcode area M3 5DZ.

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The data on this page has been curated by the property xyz research team, who have been studying the UK’s residential property market and private rented sector for well over a decade.

APARTMENT 205 ALCOCK HOUSE 99 Chapel Street: Property Details

According to the last Energy Performance Certificate, APARTMENT 205 ALCOCK HOUSE 99 Chapel Street in Salford is a N/A N/A-bedroom end-terrace flat with an EPC rating of C. This property has the UPRN (Unique Property Reference Number) 10093608437. Scroll further down for more information regarding potential rental yields for this property as well as price growth, demographics, local crime levels and more.

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60 sqm
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Last Sold Icon There is currently no Last Sold data available for Apartment 205 Alcock House 99 Chapel Street.

Property Type


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Construction Age Band


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Price Per Sqft At Last Sale


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Price Per Sqm At Last Sale


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Building Age

Old build

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Aggregate Residential Property Data for Postcode M3

M3 Related property data Last Updated:

Average Asking Price


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Average Sales Per Month


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Average Gross Rental Yield (Long Let)


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Sales Turnover per Month


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Energy Performance Certificate Information for APARTMENT 205 ALCOCK HOUSE 99 Chapel Street

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Council Tax Bands for Properties in M3 5DZ

A list of residential properties that sit in postcode M3 5DZ along with their corresponding Council Tax bans.

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Crime in M3 5DZ

Information about local police forces that cover postcode m3 and about crimes committed in the local area. The data here is licensed from Property Data.

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Street Level Crime

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Sales Data for Homes Sold Near M3 5DZ

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The latest transactions on residential properties sold near postcode area M3 5DZ.

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Electric Vehicle Charging Points Close to M3 5DZ

A complete list of charging points and their compatibilities for electric vehicles, that are found near postcode M3 5DZ

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Nearby Amenities and Important Sites

Important sites and amenities such as schools, hospitals and transport hubs, that are close to postcode M3 5DZ

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Nearby Places of Worship and Religious Buildings

Religious buildings and places of worship that are close by to postcode area M3 5DZ

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Nearby Rail and Light Rapid Transport Stations

Railway stations and light transport stations such as metro, tram and underground, that are close by to postcode M3 5DZ

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Nearby Airports

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Nearby Schools, Universities and Other Educational Institutions

Primary and secondary schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutions near to postcode area M3 5DZ

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Nearby Hospitals, Clinics and Other Medical Institutions

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